You find here new minions and monsters, forms for download, Nag Tech devices, adventures, and other goodies. The NAGS Society welcomes you to share your Terra Incognita resources with the community. Email your contributions to the Society and the Green and Red Preservationists will add them to this page.
Adventures Denizens Errata Forms New Nag Tech Random Generators Rules Variations Sample Nags Style Guide
Here are links to a number of online resources for adventures that could be adapted to the World of NAGS.
Ambush at Coyote Canyon is the first winner in the Showdowns & Shootouts adventure writing contest from Hawgleg Publishing. The goal is to provide twelve great scenarios for Gutshot (or another wild west skirmish game, if you must). The adventure is free for the download. Thanks to the Gutshot posse and the Ambush’s author, Al Theobald.
The second in Hawgleg Publishing’s Showdowns & Shootouts series of free western adventures is out: Bullets for Breakfast! by Ross Edwards. It’s designed for Hawgleg’s wonderful Gutshot miniature rules and the characters are easily adaptable to other systems, even Fudge, of course.
Call of Cthulhu Adventures. This corner of the Chaosium website holds a plethora of free adventures for Call of Cthulhu by Dr. Michael C. LaBrossiere.
Cray Canyon Cold Snap is a free adventure from S. John Ross. It is set in the old west with supernatural elements, but easily adaptable to TI.
The Eye of Kilquato by Shane Hensley from Pinnacle. Date: 1939. Setting: South America. Cast: Buck Savage, Virginia Dare, Danny Dare, Doc Gold, and Kator the Ape Boy. Price: Free. How can you go wrong? [This is a link directly to the pdf download. If there is a link on the Great White Games site, I couldn’t find it.]
The Flower of Al-Kiar (6 pages, 1.2 MB pdfthere’s a lot of maps!) on Paul Lesack’s Gear Krieg page.
GMing a Fudge pulp game. The intrepid Warren Shultzaberger has posted some excellent advice for over on the Fudge Phoenyx list. Take some advice from a pulp veteran.
Great White Games has released a free, 16 page pdf adventure for their Savage Worlds Rippers game: Laughter of Death. Set in 1892 in Transylvania, the adventure features a creepy circus and no doubt has many possibilities for the Terra Incognita game master. N.B.: the link leads directly to the pdf download.
Lester Dent Pulp Paper Master Fiction Plot. He attests: This is a formula, a master plot, for any 6000 word pulp story. It has worked on adventure, detective, western and war-air. It tells exactly where to put everything. It shows definitely just what must happen in each successive thousand words. No yarn of mine written to the formula has yet failed to sell.
Wizards of the Coast has released a new free adventure for d20: No Mans Land. Set in the modern day with a World War I theme, this adventure could easily be adapted for TI.
Pulp Adventure for the Confused. This concise bit of writing advice guides you step-by-step to designing the perfect pulpy adventure.
RPG Archive features hundreds of free adventures. The horror category hold some promise for the TI GM.
Shades of Terror is a new, free adventure from Pinnacle, written for their new Savage Worlds rules. A Dungeon crawl a la Lovecraft, according to the author, the adventure is easily adaptable for Terra Incognita. [This is a link directly to the pdf download. If there is a link on the Great White Games site, I couldn’t find it.]
“We’re Archæologists, Not Grave Robbers!” Straight from Ann Dupuis, publisher of Terra Incognita, Fudge, and the power behind Grey Ghost Press, comes today’s free adventure: “We’re Archæologists, Not Grave Robbers!” The download consists of four files:
The adventure, “We’re Archæologists, Not Grave Robbers!”;
A collection of eight intrepid Nags suitable for early 20th-century Egyptian archaeological exploits;
The GM’s map of Setna’s tomb;
and a Player’s map of the tomb.
Ann has run this adventure at numerous conventions to general acclaim. Enjoy!
Here are a few more residents of the Earth Unknown.
Download three extra beasties (Basilisk, Elephant, King Cobra) in pdf format.
220 Kb pdf file. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or better.
page 2. Following the list of Playtesters and Proofreaders, the correct URL for Pyramid Magazine is
page 2. As the Pyramid discussion boards have fouind all of the playtest messages (which vanished mysteriously some time ago) I can now thank all of the Pyramid playtesters: Benjamin Brighoff, Jeremiah Genest, Martin Heidemann, Jürgen Hubert, Jeff Raglin, Brett Sanger, and Colin Stobbe. Thanks for all of your comments!
page 2. The third artist is Chris Keefe [not O Keefe]. Sorry Chris!
page 8. Penultimate paragraph. Geographic [not Geological].
page 91. Nags of Note - Nellie Bly. 1889-1890 [not 1879-1890].
page 120. First paragraph: in medias res [not in media res].
page 140. Mathematics of Fudge dice, second table: please ignore the extraneous 3 above the +6.
Here are two important forms to a ssist you in your explorations of Terra Incognita.
Terra Incognita: The NAGS Society Character Sheet
In portable document format (pdf), eminently suitable for printing.
This character sheet is for printing you hand-write the information. I'm working on an editable version.
Download the Terra Incognita Character Sheet
36 Kb pdf. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or better.
Nag Tech Records
I have included a two sets of NagTech Item records formatted for 3x5 index cards. The first set includes the standard Glitch Table on the reverse, while the second is blank for gadgeteering players or game masters to develop original glitch tables.
Nag Tech Records may be printed on standardsized paper. Twosided reproduction should align the front and backs so that you can cut them out. For the adventurous, I formatted the cards for Avery Standard 5388 3x5 index cards, which come in sheets and can be inserted into laser and ink jet printers and then separated (they are, alas, quite expensive).
These cards are for printing you hand-write the information. I'm working on an editable version.
Download NagTech Records
28 Kb pdf. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or better.
NAGS Society Letterhead
Bookworm Caleb Jansen has authorized the dissemination of NAGS Society Letterhead. Use this letterhead for your official NAGS Society records and correspondence.
Simply print the letterhead pdf file, type your text with a word processor (leaving a 1.25 inch margin at the top) and feed the letterhead back through your printer. Acrobat wizards might even know how to make the pdf itself editable so that you can type in text in directly. Letterhead designed by Daniel Davis.
Standard NAGS Society Letterhead
Letterhead with Confidential stamp
Letterhead with a grid (for drawing maps, &c.)
Letterhead with Confidential stamp and a grid
Letterhead without the Terra Incognita watermark
All 50-odd Kb pdf. Require Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or better.
New Nag Tech
Gadgeteers throughout the world are assiduously creating new inventions to make a Nag's work easier.
Download an Assortment of NagTech by Tony Spallino in pdf format.
320 Kb pdf. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or better.
Rules Variations
TI Guideline Gazette, Vol. 1: Characters and Combat, by David Bruns covers dice rolling and combat, including an expanded weapon chart.
TI Guideline Gazette, Vol. 2: Fear and Monsters, by David Bruns. David describes a useful method for introducing fear and Resolve checks into your Terra Incognita campaign, and includes some useful advice for determining just how fearsome that horrific foe might be.
TI Guideline Gazette, Vol. 3: Vehicles by David Bruns. Devoted to vehicles, including some new Gifts and Faults and a garage full of sample vehicles.
TI Guideline Gazette, Vol. 4 covers Friends and Foes, by David Bruns. Some brand new rules for using contacts and a rogue’s gallery of potential enemies. Get them here or at David’s website.
Guideline Gazette Special 1 - Character Sheet Collection, by David Bruns.
Guideline Gazette Special 2 - Guns Revisited, by David Bruns.
Guideline Gazette Special 3 - Intrepid Explorers, by David Bruns.
Sample Nags
Here are the dossiers for any number of sample Nags ready for immediate dispatch to the field.
NAGS Characters by Tony Spallino In Fudge Factor (Issue #2, November 1, 2001). Four complete Nags.
Style Guide
Being a guide to understanding and applying proper terminology while writing about the NAGS Society.
Terra Incognita Style Guide
204 Kb pdf file. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or better.