Order Terra Incognita Products
Ah! You desire recruitment into the NAGS Society. We bid you welcome to the mysteries of Terra Incognita!
Terra Incognita: The NAGS Society Handbook
The most expeditious method of effecting recruitment involves a foray to your Friendly Local Game Shop. Check the Fudge Retailers page to find a shop near you. Due to the secret nature of NAGS Society work, you may have to ask the proprietor to retrieve a copy from the profound inner recesses.
For all your Fudge needs, you can order directly from Grey Ghost! Dispatch email to Ann Dupuis at Grey Ghost Games to request a product and price list. You can order the Fudge 10th Anniversary hardback, Deryni Adventure Game, Terra Incognita, A Magical Medley, Another Fine Mess, and, of course, a parti-colored panoply of Fudge Dice.
You may also order Terra Incognita online from:
(Which, by the way, has a neat Look Inside feature, allowing you to browse 10 pages, along with a Concordance feature, which tells us that I used 1.8 syllables per word, for a “Fog Index” of 14.4).
Dead Sea Murder
In 1947 the world was stunned by the discovery of ancient scrolls hidden in caves not far from where the city of Qumran once thrived. These documents, some written as early as 250 B.C., were hailed as one of the most important archæological discoveries of the twentieth century. The Dead Sea Scrolls, as they were soon to be called, reportedly hadn not been seen by human eyes for two thousand years.
The members of the National Archæological, Geographic, and Submarine Society know better.
(Unfortunately, this tome has gone missing with the Nags Society website's archivist. We hope to restore access to it again soon.)
Reviews of Terra Incognita
Terra Incognita has been reviewed in several online publications.
The kind folks at Burning Void have posted an extremely thorough, and I would say flattering, review of Terra Incognita. The Burning Void site itself contains scads of information for roleplayers, including players, GMs, and those folks who like to write games. There is an email ’zine entitled Twilight Time and more. Have a look!
Ken Hite’s Out of the Box, March 8, 2002.
New Guild by Adam Waskiewicz (in Polish).
Pen and Paper.
Pyramid Magazine on December 21, 2001. (For Pyramid subscribers).
Midgard Digest (in German).